Minister Edstadler ran away from the activist

The activist is expected to be near the gate on Monday morning Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) Admittedly, the poster in his hands read “Genocide”. The backdrop for the meeting at the ÖAW was the annual International Conference Against Anti-Semitism.

“The perpetrator was standing near the door with a large bucket of red paint. She was only able to run away when a staff member alerted the minister at the last second. But the attack was aimed at her and the conference against anti-Semitism,” said a spokesman. Constitution Minister Caroline Edstadler (ÖVP).

The speaker insisted that the man might be on the “left spectrum”.

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“Pool of Blood” images

Pictures show lots of red paint in front of the academy’s entrance, a… Bloodlach are similar. The Federal Minister for the European Union and the Constitution is dismayed that such actions are taking place at an event that focuses on the best network against anti-Semitism. US President Joe Biden’s adviser was also present.

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“We had to like the other participants in the conference Oscar German, The The head of Vienna’s Jewish community was brought into the academy through other entrances after the attack. This is very unfortunate,” the Constitution Minister’s spokesperson continued.

Edstadler thanked the Vienna police in this context. “Thanks to the Vienna police for their quick and professional intervention, but also to the staff at the event, who responded immediately. It is a shame that a conference in Austria dedicated to international networking in the fight against anti-Semitism can no longer run smoothly without police protection.”

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In a broadcast, Edstadler also referred to last week’s anti-Semitic incidents. “Last week’s beating of Jewish shops, today’s attack on anti-Semitic conference participants – hatred of Jews in Austria shows its ugly face in broad daylight. But rest assured: we will not accept it,” said Federal Minister Edstadler.

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