Dornbirn: Youth wanted to set hospital patient on fire – Dornbirn

The incident took place at Dornbirn Hospital
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A gruesome act took place in the courtyard of Dornbirn Hospital on Saturday morning.

On Saturday morning, a 65-year-old patient walked into the courtyard of Dornbirn Hospital with a mobile oxygen device. There she was bumped by a teenager. When the victim was reprimanded, the entire group of three to four youths insulted the patient.

“Let’s see if the witch burns”

Then a teenager tried to light the oxygen tube with a smoking cigarette with the words “Let’s see if the witch burns”. This tube provides oxygen through a nasal cannula to a 65-year-old woman.

Fortunately, the oxygen supply was weak, which only caused a burning hole in the oxygen tube. The youths spoke the Vorarlberg dialect, wore dark clothing and were probably 15 to 16 years old.

Call witnesses

Witnesses to the incident or anyone who can provide information about the previously unknown youths are asked to contact the Dornbirn City Police.

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