Free HPV vaccine against cancer from July 1 until your 30th birthday – Health –

Health Minister Rauch calls free HPV vaccine “important step”.
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Vaccinations against HPV and several types of cancer will be temporarily free from July 1 until people reach their 30th birthday.

That means everyone under the age of 30 should get vaccinated, except for those under 21. The Ministry of Health announced last week that this option will remain valid until the end of 2025. Now the city of Vienna, the Federal Youth Council (BJV), the Confederation of Trade Unions (ÖGB) and the Austrian Student Union (ÖH) have joined forces to call for vaccination.

“key step”

Until now, the HPV vaccine was free from the ninth to the 21st birthday. Federal, state and social security agencies finally agreed to the extension until the 30th birthday announced by Health Minister Johannes Rauch (Greens) the previous week. “I believe that providing all the vaccines recommended by the National Vaccination Board as a natural part of social protection is the right way, so by extending the free HPV vaccination until the 30th birthday, we are doing another important. Progress towards this goal,” said Peter Hacker, Vienna’s City Councilor for Health (SPÖ) in a said in a press release.

“So far, despite vaccination recommendations, around one million youths have been excluded from this privilege,” BJV president Rihab Toomey asserted. “By facilitating access to this life-saving vaccine, we are making a significant contribution to the fight against serious diseases,” said Richard Tiefenbacher, Federal Youth President of the ÖGB. “We invite everyone up to their 30th birthday to take advantage of this offer to make an important contribution to cancer prevention,” the ÖH Chairman’s Committee appeals.

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Protection is high before first sexual contact

If the first HPV vaccination is carried out before the 30th birthday, all subsequent vaccinations are free, even if they take place after the 30th birthday, the city of Vienna said. Anyone with a residential address in Vienna can already book the free HPV vaccine online at or by calling the health hotline 1450. The downtown vaccination center will open on July 1, 2024.

HPV stands for Human Papilloma Virus. It is a large group of viruses that can cause inflammation and skin changes in the genital area, such as genital warts. Viruses can cause malignancies, especially cervical cancer and, in women and men, other types of cancer of the genital area, mouth, and throat. Therefore, vaccination is important for both girls and boys. It provides better protection when administered before first sexual intercourse.

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