Unknown perpetrators from ÖVP circles are being investigated on suspicion of abuse of office. The case comes from a secret audio recording

ABD0039_20230427 – VIENNA – AUSTRIA: Christian Pilnacek, suspended head of the Ministry of Justice, at the hearing of the Federal Regulatory Commission in Vienna, Thursday, April 27, 2023. – Photo: APA/Helmut Foehringer
VIENNA – The first seizures have been made in a secretly recorded confession by the now-deceased head of the Justice Department, Christian Pilnacek. Pilnacek's laptop was handed over to the Economic and Corruption Prosecutor's Office (WKStA), as the Ministry of Justice confirmed to ZiB2. Investigations are conducted against unknown perpetrators on suspicion of abuse of office; According to the ministry, these are “responsible persons from within the ÖVP circle”.
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