A 10-year-old driver crashed into a house wall in Upper Austria

The driver and his seven-year-old sister were seriously injured in the accident. Apparently, her father had allowed her to drive in the fields.

A ten-year-old girl crashed her father’s car into a wall in St. Lorenz near Monsey (Vöcklabruck district) on Saturday afternoon. The girl behind the wheel and her seven-year-old sister in the back seat were seriously injured. Both children were taken to LKH Salzburg with the Red Cross. Police said that the father of two had left the ten-year-old boy in his own field near the house.

The 37-year-old gave his eldest daughter driving lessons from the passenger seat in the pasture. He then got out and opened the gate, allowing the ten-year-old boy to release the clutch and step on the accelerator. According to the derailment, the tires on the grass first spun and the car hit the asphalt, the car went forward and crashed into the wall of the house. The impact was so severe that the front airbags deployed. The car was badly damaged in the accident. According to police, a report was sent to the Wells State Attorney’s Office. (APA)

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