Habeck wants to support the German automotive industry

After consulting with industry representatives, German Economy Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) said there should be no quick fixes and no “flash-in-the-pan measures”.

Economy Minister Robert Habeck has pledged support for the ailing auto industry. It’s about long-term planning. The committee agreed on this. “At this point, we talked about various options.” However, Habeck did not mention any specific financial measures. Actions that may come should always be used as precedents. The German government will now advise. Regular dialogue with industry already taking place will continue.

Reports of “pan flashes” by a green politician could be aimed at the SPD’s recommendations, for example. SPD economic politicians propose a new “scrabble bonus 2.0”. Anyone who “scraps” their combustion engine and buys a new electric car will receive a €6,000 bonus. 3,000 euros to buy a used electric car.

Also supported at EU level

The minister also promised support for the auto industry at EU level. This concerns so-called fleet limit values, which are specifications for CO2 emissions. These should be tightened gradually. Habeck said the limits should be revised in 2026. It was the committee’s wish that this happen next year. “I want to emulate that.”

At the same time, Habeck tempers expectations. It is a European project. Many other countries do not have the same challenges that Germany has. In addition, Germany has not covered itself with pride in transport policy in the past, Habeck said, given its controversial approach to the issue of electric fuels.

The sudden end of electric car bonuses in Germany last year caused demand for battery cars to collapse. This presents several problems for manufacturers: factories are not being used to capacity and, due to strict EU fleet targets for CO2 emissions from 2025, there is a risk of heavy fines. (APA)

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