Heat wave takes short break in new week – Austria

Temperatures will not exceed 30 degrees for a few days.
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There won’t be any real cold in the coming week, but the cold will at least briefly interrupt the current heat wave and bring us back to normal summer temperatures.

Temperatures will be in the upper 30s on Monday. They will be below that from Tuesday. Geosphere Austria’s meteorologists predicted on Sunday that it will become more volatile. The first hurdle will hit Austria on Monday. Bright and sunny weather is not expected again until Friday.

Temporarily cooler for the coming week

A weak disturbance will remain over Austria on Monday and will cause widespread unsettled layers with mostly light showers and thunderstorms from the morning hours. In the west, the focus of rainfall is on the northern reservoirs, it will taper off from the afternoon and only isolated thunderstorms can be expected. Thunderstorms will occur over south and east during the day. Especially during the first half of the day, winds from the west will be strong in the northeast, otherwise weak and moderate. The initial temperature ranges from 15 to 21 degrees and the daily maximum temperature ranges from 22 to 32 degrees.

On Tuesday, a low pressure area will again approach from the west in the upper layers of the atmosphere. In the evening, a persistent low pressure over the Gulf of Genoa south of the Alps will affect the weather. This means we can expect lots of rain in the northern part of the Alps initially. As a result, the tendency for thunderstorms from the south increases. Thunderstorms are rare only in the far east; A brisk wind blows from the north in the morning. The initial temperature ranges from 14 to 21 degrees and the daily maximum temperature ranges from 22 to 30 degrees.

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The cold front brings Austria very unstable weather

In the northern part of the Alps and in the north, Wednesday starts with clouds and rain. Otherwise it’s still hot. As the day progresses, the sun and a quick change of cumulus clouds will be everywhere and the tendency for rain will increase in the east. The weather is favorable in the south, but local thunderstorms over the mountains cannot be ruled out here. Especially in the foothills of the Alps, in the north and east, strong winds blow mostly from west to northwest. Temperatures range from 12 to 22 degrees in the morning and 20 to 28 degrees during the day.

From Salzburg to the east there will also be a weak disturbance effect with a northwesterly flow on Thursday, with sun and cloud changes until the afternoon and showers. Then the weather calmed down from the west. Generally the weather is favorable and sunny in the west and south. Local thunderstorms are also possible in the southern part of the Alps over the mountains in the afternoon. Winds are weak to moderate, blowing briskly from west to northwest in the east. The initial temperature ranges from ten to 18 degrees and the daily maximum temperature ranges from 20 to 26 degrees.

Summer heat returns on Friday

An impact of high pressure will bring bright, sunny weather across Austria on Friday. For long periods the sky appears cloudless; Even the mountains have isolated, flat clouds. The wind blows moderately from northwest to north. Temperatures range from nine to 17 degrees in the morning and 23 to 28 degrees during the day.

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