Werner Koegler “Summer Talk”: A “veteran” with many…

Green Party leader and vice chancellor Werner Koegler missed a lot on Monday’s ORF “Summer Talk”. Instead of concrete answers, he sometimes gave snappy statements – but a movement towards the ÖVP in the debate about further monitoring of diplomatic services.

He himself has not changed that much, but the media world has changed even more, before the first recording of Werner Koegler’s interviews with childhood friends, still without a jacket, but adorned with a “fearless” Taylor Swift bracelet. Presented as the “Veteran” of the annual “Summer Talk” on ORF, Koegler is the most experienced politician of all the leading candidates who have appeared as a guest there. However, his rhetorical prowess, already proven in that form, should swim in the glittering truancy ahead of him on Monday.

Dur’s aim was to disrupt several branches of the vice-chancellor, known for convoluted sentences. An interesting conversation often does not happen. From the start, Thur TV had a tendency to shift gears for a moment when it devoted its first few minutes to the horror surrounding Taylor Swift, but to the structural depths of the shortage of doctors. Why? Surprisingly, Kogler was not well prepared. “Never,” she said, not requesting an appointment with a statutory health insurance doctor. Koegler argued that the Green Health Minister was not improving the dangerous situation with “old failures”, criticizing the “strange” medical association and finding that his minister was doing a good job anyway. He did not make any concrete recommendations.

“A Skeen Cracks’n”

His argument was anticipated when terrorism was finally raised as a second topic. Instead of offering concrete answers to the Islamic threat, he avoided. At Greenery, we always say that everyone should follow the “house rules”. But where he “learned” you should learn German “as quickly as possible”. In response to a new proposal by the SPÖ and parts of the FPÖ, he said there were “sufficient provisions” for a law banning Islamism. In any case, such criminals would have “lost their right to citizenship”. However, he surprisingly signaled movement with an ÖVP proposal to monitor messenger services. Through his “contact”, the Greens decided to send the draft for review.

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Kogler’s comment on his own signature (“a skein crack’n”) on a plaque next to Sebastian Kurz’s plaque held by Thur was intended to provide an original introduction to the designations, but it took up crucial minutes. It struck the viewer’s last nerve. The tussle between Durr and Cogler ended “accidentally” with Martin Kocher finding that he was “qualified” to be president of the National Bank.

Koegler has finally delivered his rhetoric on the climate issue. But when Durr suddenly makes himself the subject of Lena Schilling, he seems very insecure. Schilling is sorry, Koegler said, and she’s working on getting out of it, too. He tried to appear consistent with his words (“farts”, “grunts”). He talked about “choosing inappropriate, clever words,” but he was very defensive. Kogler is unsure whether the Greens will come into opposition after the election. “Opposition is very important in a democracy,” in which he also sees himself as a club leader. But it is important that the Green Party gets stronger in the elections. However, their front-runner’s televised appearance on Monday will not be remembered as his strongest.

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