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Bregenz (VLK) – As part of promoting entrepreneurship and innovation in the region, the state of Vorarlberg is once again supporting the activities of the start-up service of the Vorarlberg Chamber of Commerce. Startup events aim to provide potential founders and existing One-Person Enterprises (EPU) with better support on the path to self-employment.

Four major events are planned throughout the year, aimed at different target groups and “providing founders with the knowledge they need to implement their visions,” confirms Marco Tidler, regional councilor for economic affairs.

Founder training: This basic course is aimed at those who wish to become self-employed or who have already established an EPU. Focuses on sustainable business management and is supported by the state of Vorarlberg with 50 percent of costs, which corresponds to a maximum contribution of 5,000 euros.

Pathway to Self-Employment – ​​Launch Event: The event serves as an information and networking platform for aspiring entrepreneurs. Participants receive information and assistance on the path to self-employment and the implementation of business ideas. The state of Vorarlberg provides a maximum of 12,000 euros for this purpose.

Succession of successful company: A series of breakfasts and a follow-up mentoring day aim to raise awareness and support entrepreneurs planning a divestiture or acquisition. Its aim is to encourage early succession planning of the company. The state contribution for this event is a maximum of 5,000 euros.

Start your business: The fourth event aims to support aspiring entrepreneurs to develop a viable business concept. The government offers financial support of up to 6,000 euros to start your business.

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In total, the state of Vorarlberg provides the Vorarlberg Chamber of Commerce with a maximum funding amount of 28,000 euros for the realization of four events. “With our financial support, we want to ensure that all founders have a successful start in entrepreneurship, and that no good business idea fails because of initial problems,” says Tydler. The State Economic Council emphasizes that the funding also helps to further position Vorarlberg as an attractive location for start-ups and young entrepreneurs.

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