The Vienna ÖVP announced a no-confidence motion against the community councilor in the local council City of Vienna

Vienna (OTS) –

ÖVP city councilor Karl Mahrer and local councilor and ÖVP Vienna club president Markus Wölbitsch announced a no-confidence motion against community councilor Peter Hacker (SPÖ) today, Tuesday, at a media conference for the local council meeting in September. 25, 2024. The Vienna ÖVP called for a new minimum security regulation for Vienna and gave an ultimatum to city councilor Peter Hacker (SPÖ).
Mahrer spoke of “excessive social interests in Vienna”. Vienna is “a social magnet”. “Overburdened infrastructure”, “lack of opportunities for young people” and “very difficult to fund the system,” said Mahrer. The Vienna ÖVP called for the “implementation of the Basic Social Assistance Act in Vienna”, thus the adjustment of Vienna’s social benefits to the federal states and “a limitation in social benefits for those entitled to supplementary protection”. On Tuesday, the Vienna ÖVP cited a specially commissioned report that said the plans were “legally permissible”.

ÖVP local councilor Markus Wölbitsch said, “The goal is to create a family with earned income. People must be encouraged to take responsibility. The social system and the minimum income must make this possible,” Wölbitsch said.

Further information: Vienna ÖVP Club, press office: 01/4000-81905 (end) etc.

Press release under exclusive responsibility for content of OTS original text – WWW.OTS.AT | NRK

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