The ÖGB boss was angered by the debate over additional wage costs

ÖGB boss Wolfgang Katzian gained little from the debate about cutting non-wage labor costs. “So the issue of additional wage costs is bothering me now,” he told the Ö1 Morning Journal today.

Anyone looking to cut costs needs to know where to start – after all, these are the payroll components for employees. As an example, he cited employer contributions to health and pension insurance.

“Anyone who wants to reduce non-wage labor costs wants to question the things that unions and employees have fought for. “We certainly won't do that,” Katsian says.

Instead, he called for a reduction in high inflation, which is now a clear disadvantage for the location. Economic stimulus measures such as network infrastructure and expansion of public transport, social housing and childcare will be important.

Reviews from business representatives

Business representatives were quick to respond to the top unionist's “hammer” comment. Katzian “does not recognize the seriousness of the situation,” said WKO general secretary Karlheinz Kopp. Kurt Egger, secretary general of the Economic Association, spoke of Katzian's “good advice and actions”.

Today's request from Upper Austria's AK leader Andreas Stangl will not cause much joy among business representatives. He said the corporate tax cuts should be rolled back in 2023 and 2024. Inequality in the tax system is still particularly high, and cuts mean the state could lose more than €1.1 billion a year.

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