The makeover episode must end earlier – a danger to aviation

During production: Heidi Klum examines Luca's hair as her brother Julian sits next to her.
Image: ProSieben/Richard Hübner

In week six, scissors and pots of paint are circling Tenerife and it's time for a makeover again. In the end, Heidi Klum surprises herself: the shooting must be completed earlier – it will endanger the air traffic.

WWhen I'm in a bad mood, I imagine Heidi Klum in a crocodile dress and huge hairdressing scissors, swinging around a hairdresser's chair and saying, “I'm Schnappy, little Glumodle.” I have sharp scissors, and I have a lot of them. I rearrange what can be rearranged. “I cut it because I'm so good at it,” he sings. So, to you, the reader of this harmonious family article, enjoy this free catchy song that I am sending you in today's makeover episode of GNTM.

In the end, as a small incentive to keep studying, several promising candidates were eliminated from the modeling team. However, the sentence “Unfortunately I don't have a photo for you today” is not mentioned. As well? In principle, not a single actual shooting has taken place yet. Even in the sixth week you spend three hours waiting in vain for the camera. If you're being honest, even Mary's taped nipples had more airtime than all the photographers put together.

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