“Summer talks”: Popler criticizes “breaks” in the SPÖ

According to Popler, he was concerned that the SPÖ paper, which had criticized Bures’ “suspiciousness of not being serious,” had leaked out of the Circle of Thirteen. He filed a complaint for breach of trust. He “must stop it at some point,” the SPÖ leader said. The SPÖ program is supported by all but one non-Bureaus. That’s “our plan,” Popler said. At the same time, he advocated opening up the party.

Popler also complained that it was always the same “four or five people” who kept reporting. Unlike others, the SPÖ is said to be able to at least provide counter-funding for its demanding election programme. Durr listed several examples in his question, asking about expenses, including many free meals and dental treatments for children.

Review of “Brakes”.

Popler expressed criticism at those in the SPÖ who believe they should “slow down”. The SPÖ leader defended his election plan.

The question of whether the rich tax is a condition of alliance is ambiguous

Popler said it brought a “surplus in the budget.” He expects six billion euros from wealth and inheritance taxes. The money will also come through “refunds of gifts” made by the central government. When asked if taxing the rich was a condition of the coalition, Popler responded evasively and indicated that he wanted to make life in Austria “easier and more affordable”.

Then the conversation turned to social issues. When Dürr asked why the SPÖ’s draft election programs did not see any idea of ​​a new regulation of social welfare – a core issue of social democracy – Popler defended himself by saying, “We are no longer thinking in terms of this old system.” “. What he specifically meant was to separate basic child protection from social assistance and treat it as a separate point.

Basic child protection is an important issue

Basic child benefit is a “clear stabilization” to get out of the minimum benefit — especially because of rising child poverty, Popler said. Minimum security is a safeguard to ensure that no one is left behind. Instead of talking too much about a minimum income, Popler would rather see people “working and paying taxes” instead of “getting taxes and living in poverty.”

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The SPÖ leader wants to get people into work as quickly as possible, especially through greater involvement of the Public Employment Service (AMS) and AMS criteria. So he demands more resources for AMS. When Dürr asked whether the Vienna model of basic child protection planned by Päbler – where every child receives the same amount – was fair, Päbler replied that it required nationwide regulation and that this model met no opposition in the SPÖ committees.

How social welfare should be reformed

Poplar no longer wants to think about social welfare in the “old systems.” Above all, fighting child poverty is important. To do this, it is necessary to separate basic child protection from social assistance and treat it as a separate point.

A universal allowance for every child and an income-based component for poor families – children should be given “a perspective on their own lives”. When Thür asked why experts such as AMS boss Petra Draxl thought the payments should be reduced once a certain number was reached, Babler responded evasively and mentioned the number of children at risk of poverty.

Casa Lugar is another story in “kindergarten”.

In the case surrounding the resignation of Linz Mayor Lüger, Popler said it was necessary for the party leader to immediately raise the necessary consequences. After deciding to resign, Popler said the stories about Popler asking Ludger to step down were “absolute kindergarten.” According to the SPÖ leader, he can provide counter-evidence that it is different. However, he leaves “internals as internals”. Popler said he knows there is resistance at home, but he wants to move into a new era.

Asked whether greater involvement of SPÖ members for the first time – including a referendum on a possible future coalition – would work, Popler said it would depend on how well the Social Democrats do in the elections. Poplar’s mission remains the Federal Chancellery. Popler says, however, that his view is not necessarily “rule for the sake of rule.” His political agenda and mission is to improve the country. You can do this if you are “very strong”.

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Poplar in Luger’s case

The case surrounding Linz Luger’s current former mayor was also a topic in “Summer Talk.” However, stories that Popler only asked Ludger to step down after deciding to resign are “absolute kindergarten,” according to Popler.

Asylum and Migration: Humanity’s “Higher Principle”

Popler saw a “decisive shift” in the areas of asylum and migration. You have a paper that summarizes humanism as the highest theory. A person who has a legal reason to flee stays in Austria. Durr interjected that nothing had changed in the Kaiser Toskozil sheet under the poplar. Here Popler evasively refers to his time as mayor of Trieskirchen.

Hungary accused Poplar of “years of law violations” and a lack of law enforcement. That’s why he wants to sue. He accused Chancellor and ÖVP leader Karl Nehammer of taking a “kiss, kiss” photo with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. And Gigl makes him “a role model”, but at the same time he is upset about the high number of asylum seekers because Orban does not comply with the law.

Asylum: Compulsory allocation within Austria

With his asylum policy, Poplar wants to ensure that people enter the job market as quickly as possible. Achieving mandatory quotas in Austria is also important.

With his asylum policy, Popler wants to ensure that those who know how to “stay there anyway” quickly learn German skills, take vocational tests and pay taxes as quickly as possible. Durr Popler was confronted with the fact that Carinthia, as a federal state run by the SPÖ, had a low proportion of accepted asylum seekers. Popler objected and spoke of “unfair statistics” as those expelled from Ukraine would also fall into it. Otherwise, Poplar remained vague on the matter. However, in Austria there must be a mandatory quota.

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Babbler defends neutrality

Popler answered in the negative whether the SPÖ or Austria should change their position on military issues. However, more accessibility needs to be discovered. He became involved in the peace movement because he saw “peace as the most important thing”. Only then will neutrality come into play. According to experts, it will be – as Babler put it – an “incredibly important element” to create, maintain and guarantee peace in the future.

Popler sees NATO partnerships and joint exercises as consistent with neutrality. However, there is no need to further consolidate or enter into a military agreement. The FPÖ accused Poplar of “always” wanting to lead the country into NATO. And he “doesn’t want to trust the ÖVP with Austria’s neutrality,” Popler said.

Analysis: Criticism, especially of our own teams

In ZIB2, political scientist Peter Filsmeyer and “Press” journalist Hannah Kordik analyzed Poplar’s statements and said that their own party fared much worse than its political rivals. For example, the FPÖ “appeared three times,” Filzmaier said. Filzmaier described the fact that he criticized his own officials as not being “super smart,” especially considering the election was just weeks away. Instead, it’s about shutting down your own teams.

Analysis of “Summer Talk” with Andreas Popler

After the ORF “summer conversation” with SPÖ leader Andreas Pöbler, deputy “Press” editor-in-chief Hanna Kordik and political scientist Peter Filsmeyer analyzed the conversation in ZIB2.

Cardick said Poplar “knocked off” the officers, which caught them by surprise. The question is “how much information is it to the voters?” Filsmeyer and Kordik were also surprised that Popler waited until the “summer talks” to respond to internal party criticism of his program. “I have to react quickly to such serious criticism,” Filsmeyer said, referring to Burse’s key position in the party.

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