Stopping dementia early: New treatment offers hope

  1. Fuldaer Zeitung
  2. Consultant
  3. Health
Stopping dementia early: New treatment offers hope
Dementia causes deposits in the brain, leading to a decline in mental abilities. © Heiko Wolfraum/dpa/dpa-tmn

So far, the progression of neurodegenerative dementia can only be slowed. A new treatment approach offers hope that it can be stopped.

Fulda – a dementia disease in which various mental abilities deteriorate from what they were before, is one of the neurodegenerative diseases. Alzheimer’s is the most common irreversible form of dementia. So far, brain disorders have slowed, not stopped. However, a new treatment approach by scientists in the United States offers hope writes

Stopping dementia: Researchers discover new treatment

The research team, led by Scott Selleck, a professor of biochemistry and molecular biology at Eberly College of Science in Pennsylvania, studied a protein building block in the brain that can trigger neurological disease. An abnormal accumulation of proteins in and around brain cells is said to be the trigger. This disrupts the breakdown process of cells in the brain, leading to so-called plaques. Plaques are deposits in the brain associated with dementia.

In a special issue Science Researchers report a new treatment approach for dementia. It may already be Early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. According to Selleck, scientists are interested in “understanding early cellular changes not only in Alzheimer’s but also in other neurodegenerative diseases.” The results of their discovery are promising as they suggest a promising target for future therapies. These can be used to treat and improve early abnormalities in neurodegenerative diseases.

Stopping Dementia: Drugs Against Alzheimer’s Disease

There are already approved ones in the US Active ingredients Lecanemab or DonanemabShould be used in patients showing the first signs of Alzheimer’s disease. These antibody active substances are directed against the so-called β-amyloids, which are responsible for the common deposits in the brain in dementia. Both active ingredients have already shown similarly good clinical success: the worsening of dementia caused by drugs containing donanemab was reduced by an average of 22 percent – and 60 percent in patients who took the drug in the early stages.

This article contains only general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. It does not replace a doctor’s visit in any way. Our editorial team is not allowed to answer personal questions about medical conditions.

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