Orban in Strasbourg: heated exchanges and protest chants

The head of the Hungarian government initially started his speech in a moderate tone with a review of the Hungarian Council Presidency in 2011. He said the task was now “very difficult” given the many crises since the war in Ukraine. Middle East conflicts, crises in Africa and migration are the topic. “It is clear that we are facing an important decision for Europe,” Orban said.

In his speech, Orbán questioned key EU decisions in recent years. Orban specifically called for asylum procedures to be carried out in external “hotspots” in states outside the EU and for asylum seekers to no longer be allowed into the union.

Orban wants a Schengen summit

“We can only allow into the EU those who have received appropriate authorization in advance,” demanded the head of government, according to a parliamentary translation, which has repeatedly been punished by higher courts for ignoring EU asylum policy. Orbán recently announced that Hungary – if possible – does not want to participate in EU migration policy in the future.

Orban: Sharp critique of EU migration policy

Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has criticized the European Union’s immigration policy. During his speech to the European Union Parliament, Orbán caused some boos. Irregular migration has led to an increase in anti-Semitism, violence against women and homophobia, he said.

The Hungarian head of government proposed regular summit meetings of heads of state and government of the Schengen states and argued that Romania and Bulgaria could become full members of the Schengen area by the end of the year. He also argued that the EU accession of the Western Balkan countries – especially Serbia – should be accelerated.

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MPs sing “Bella Ciao”.

Orban has criticized the EU’s cutoff from Russian oil and gas as threatening growth in Europe, whose country has expanded its gas purchases from Russia. When it comes to climate policy, Orbán called for questioning the “excess” of the “green deal” that aims to make the EU the first climate-neutral continent by 2050.

He concluded his speech: “Let’s make Europe great again.” It is a variation of US presidential candidate Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan.

During Orbán’s speech, social democratic MPs waved signs reading “democrats against autocrats”. After his speech, the left camp sang the anti-fascist anthem “Bella Ciao”. However, the right-wing camp gave the Hungarian a standing ovation.

Reuters/Yves Hermann

Orban’s speech was met with loud protests

With harsh criticism of van der Leyen Orban

The tone of the debate changed after EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and MPs took to the floor with clear criticism of Orban. Van der Leyen criticized Orban’s stance on migration policy and the war in Ukraine. Regarding Hungary’s self-proclaimed “peace initiative” in the Ukraine war and his visit to Kremlin boss Vladimir Putin, van der Leyen said there are still some who blame the war of aggression “not on Putin’s lust for power, but on Ukraine’s thirst for power.” Freedom.”

Van der Leyen accused Orban of releasing smugglers from prison early, allowing Russians into the country without additional security checks, and allowing Chinese police to work in Hungary. “This is not a defense of Europe’s sovereignty. It is a back door to foreign intervention,” the German top politician said. Orban throws his problems over the fence to his neighbors.

He also accused Hungary of not adhering to European agreements. After Russia’s attack on Ukraine, all EU heads of state and government decided to remain dependent on Russian energy and look for alternatives. However, one member state in particular is only looking for alternatives to how it can continue to buy Russian energy. Deutsche criticized Orban for discriminating against companies from other EU countries in Hungary, for example through higher taxes or arbitrary inspections. In addition, only a small group in Hungary benefits from public contracts.

Commission representative Ursula van der Leyen

Reuters/Yves Hermann

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has been heavily critical of Orban

Orban sees van der Leyen as a “political weapon”.

Orban expressed his horror in stark terms and said something like this had “never happened before”. He didn’t really want to talk about the differences. He said Hungary saved the EU from 2,000 traffickers. He also described van der Leyen as a “political weapon” used against the Patriots. He completely rejects Van der Leyen’s claims.

In the face of criticism from many MPs, he called the “left-wing lies” “pure political propaganda”. He rejected van der Leyen’s comparison between the Soviet invasion of Hungary in 1956 and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Referring to Orbán’s stance on the war in Ukraine, van der Leyen asked if he would have “blamed Hungary for the Soviet invasion in 1956”. 68 years ago, Soviet troops crushed an uprising that toppled the country’s Stalinist leadership after just a few days.

Orban rival Magyar: “Be honest”

Some MPs from the democratic bloc criticized the massive violations of fundamental rights and corruption in Hungary. That’s why the European Union has currently frozen more than 20 billion euros in funding for the country.

Orbán’s political rival, Peter Magyar, who has been a member of the European Parliament since June, also had sharp words for the head of the Hungarian government. Among other things, he addressed speculation that Hungary was planning a refugee camp on the Austro-Hungarian border. Hungary has so far denied such plans. “Why do you want to secretly build a camp for 500 migrants near the Austrian border?” “Don’t blame Brussels, be honest,” said Magyar.

At a press conference in Strasbourg on Tuesday, Orban accused the EU of “black mail” and “hypocrisy”, among other things. He responded to criticism of his pro-Russian policies and exclusion of Hungary from EU programs such as Erasmus. In response, MEPs called Hungary’s presidency a “total failure” and described the right-wing nationalist as an intellectual “arsonist”. Every six months, a different country holds the presidency of the EU and prepares meetings of national ministers.

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