No trains between Floridsdorf and Praterstern: ÖBB change…

In Vienna and Lower Austria, trains will be canceled or diverted from June 29 to September 2. In some cases, buses act as a train replacement service.

ÖBB uses the summer for construction work in the East. The new timetable will therefore apply from June 29 to September 2 on certain railway lines in Vienna and Lower Austria. No trains operate between Floridsdorf and Praterstern, instead there is a train replacement service with buses. There is a reduced train service between Bratterstern and Lysing. On selected alternatives, ÖBB tickets are accepted by Wiener Linnen.

North of Vienna: Trains on the REX1 line (Floridsdorf – Gänserndorf – Břeclav line) are sometimes diverted via Vienna Stadtlau and Vienna Zimmering for longer distances. All other trains north of Vienna start and end at Floridstorp or are cancelled. Trains on line S1 with destination and departure station Marchec no longer run between Vienna Süssenbrunn and Marchec. An alternative train service will be established between Vienna Süßenbrunn and Gänserndorf. According to the annual timetable, S1 line trains run hourly to/from Gänserndorf and extend to/from Marchec.

Some changes to the southern route

South of Vienna: There are timetable changes on the southern route between Vienna and Wiener Neustadt Hbf. No trains can run on the section between Bad Vöslau and Leobersdorf. Long distance trains run on detours. Those on the CJX9 line start and end at Vienna Central Station and are diverted between there and Wiener Neustadt. So no stops in Vienna Matzleinsdorfer Platz and Baden.

ÖBB operates train replacement services with buses for the following route segments:

  • Leobersdorf – Bad Vöslau
  • Leobersdorf – Mödling for the S-Bahn
  • Wiener Neustadt Hbf – Felixdorf trains on the R95
  • Wiener Neustadt HBF – Vienna Leasing (to close from 11:25 pm to 4:00 am)
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Railjet and Gate connections and Vienna Airport Lines buses run regularly to Vienna Airport. There are schedule changes in the S7 line. Trains are no longer available on the REX7 route. Trains from Fissament to Wolfstall are operated by buses on train replacement services. (APA)

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