Iron can freeze in the cores of planets

© NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington

Im Interiors of planets and moons sits very densely together Kern. Here's what's going on there, according to a new study magnetic field Makes the object move.

The planet closest to the Sun Mercury It is said to have a very large iron nucleus. Full 3/4 of the planet's diameter To be central. Mercury has a weak magnetic field about which very little is known. And the Jupiter's moon Ganymedeour monday And this tuesday Such an iron nucleus is likely to exist.

The experiment shows how iron ice can form

2019 Scientists believe that… Eason At the interface of the inner and outer core crystallizes can Researchers have now tested this in an experiment. It followed this”snow snow“Conducts.

read more: Iron “ice” is said to fall to the center of the earth

Schematic representation of iron ice evolution in the planet's core. Crystals melt near the center; Ice crystals were used in the experiment

Researchers use it for testing Ice crystals. was in a tank Water Cooled from below with additional layer salt water. This prevents ice crystals from sticking to the ground.

Crystals provide circulation flow

It shows the ice that formed below floats upwards. Because the water is warmer there, the ice melts current change slowly. This allows new ice crystals to form at the bottom, creating a cycle. Overall, this cycle is sustained 23.3 minutes.

However, this should also take place in the planetary centers On the contrary, so the ice is at the boundary of the outer core. Additionally, the dimensions are certainly significantly larger than the laboratory setup. According to researchers, iron flows Energy provide it magnetic field of a planet or moon.

Earth's magnetic field is too strong to influence

Metallic ice is also said to occur within the Earth, but the magnetic field may be too strong for its impact. But the magnetic field WeakIt could be through iron ice Periodically “on” and “off” Aug. However, further research is needed to examine this. The results of the study were im Fachmagazin Advanced Earth and Space Science Published.

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