In 2023, more than 80 earthquakes occurred in Austria

No major damage was done. Gloggnitz and St. Strong earthquakes in Veit an der Glan caused plaster cracks in buildings.

In 2023, approximately 10,300 seismic events were recorded worldwide using the Geosphere Austria earthquake service station network. About 1,300 earthquakes occurred in Austria, of which 77 were felt by people. Also, in 2023, four earthquakes were felt in Austria from neighboring countries. This means that the country has had a total of 81 significant earthquakes, the strongest of which caused minor damage such as cracks in coatings.

“This value is higher than the average of 54 earthquakes per year in the last few years, but within the range of typical strong fluctuations from year to year,” said geoscientist Rita Meurers on Friday, “2022 and 2021 were slightly higher, with 87 and 106 significant earthquakes, respectively.

Size 4.2

Gloggnitz (Lower Austria) and St. At Veit an der Glan (Carinthia) this year's strong earthquakes caused some minor damage, such as cracks in the plaster. The strongest earthquake of the year occurred on March 30, two kilometers east-northeast of Klocknitz in southern Lower Austria: with a magnitude of 4.2, violent tremors were reported at the epicenter. An earthquake around St. Weide an der Klaan reached a magnitude of 3.8 and shook the area on April 2.

Gloggnitz (Lower Austria) and St. In Veit an der Glan (Carinthia) this year's strong earthquakes caused some minor damage such as cracks in the plaster. Earthquakes were also violently felt at St. Michael and Schwaz in Upper Styria, and at Genbach (both Tyrol). No major building damage was caused by earthquakes in 2023.

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The number of sensed events was the same as the previous year in 2023, while the number of instrumentally recorded earthquakes in Austria was around 1,300, 40 percent less than in 2022.

Most earthquakes in Lower Austria

In 2023, there were 39 earthquakes in Lower Austria that were felt by people. This high value is due to an unusual series of earthquakes near Glocknitz. Styria is second with twelve notable cases. This is followed by Tyrol and Carinthia, each with eleven significant earthquakes. Three earthquakes were felt in Upper Austria and one in Burgenland.

There were no significant earthquakes in Vorlberg, Salzburg and Vienna. Four earthquakes were felt in Austria from abroad; The earthquakes were in Croatia, Slovenia, Italy and Germany.

About 11,900 intelligence reports were received by the Austrian Seismological Service through the Geosphere Austria Earthquake Service's online detection form and the “QuakeWatch Austria” app available from March 2021. More than 3,100 reports were sent from people during the powerful earthquake in Klocknitz, Lower Austria. (APA)

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