Flood destroys tunnel construction site – wien.ORF.at


A storm in Vienna caused severe damage to the Pilgramgasse tunnel construction site. Mass water destroyed, among other things, special construction machinery. Wiener Linnion works to estimate the financial and time-related implications.

Wiener Linnion has been clearing the U2 construction site for two weeks, but it’s still unclear how big the financial damage will be and how long the delay will last. Massive water intrusion destroyed special construction machinery and vehicles in the shaft near Rechte Wienzeile. The water also caused mass damage to the bottom of the Vienna River. Either way, the damage is in the millions. It’s also not clear whether insurance companies or disaster funds can pick up parts of it.

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Replacement machines should be purchased

A total of 19,000 cubic meters of water, which corresponds to the volume of about 50 large single-family homes, entered the U2 construction site. Masses of water and sludge had to be pumped out of the shaft over several days. Due to the ingress of water, numerous special construction vehicles and machinery were completely submerged and could no longer be used.

Major storm damage to Pilgramgasse station

The flood may have caused millions of euros worth of damage to the Pilgramgas tunnel construction site.

Major storm damage to Pilgramgasse station

On Wednesday, the last large specialized machines such as drilling rigs and tunnel excavators were dismantled and lifted out of the construction pit by crane. With the machinery recovered, Viner Linnion and construction companies looked after the purchase of replacement equipment so that work on the U2 construction site could begin as soon as possible.

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Wienfluss needs to fix the oasis

The enormous water mass of the 1,000-year flood in the Vienna River has damaged the bed of the Vienna River in parts of the U2 construction area. If it leaks, you can’t work under it. In cooperation with construction companies and MA 45 Vienna Waterworks, Wiener Linnen is developing a solution for quick repairs in the construction industry. The stem structure itself is not damaged.

Many Wiener Linnean construction sites were prepared in advance for heavy rains and possible flooding. Building areas and storage areas were preserved as much as possible. Despite the flood protection wall of the Vienna River, a large amount of water entered the Pilgramgasse U2 construction site on 15 September. At Rechte Wienzeile the water was ten meters high in the shaft of the construction site.

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