Cigna assets go to trustees and creditors

The end of the restoration process is nearing. In the future, lenders will claim that the collapsed real estate company is worth more.

The mood among Cigna's creditors has been grim over the past few weeks. In particular, insurers who owe the real estate conglomerate have criticized the managers who caused the bankruptcy in the first place to still be at the helm. Media reports about Rene Benko's family's extravagant lifestyle brought the emotions of many believers to a boil. “I don't care now how much I get back, the important thing is that Cigna is liquidated,” one lender told the “Journal.” The last proposed financing plan failed to straighten things out. In recent days, we've heard from borrowers that they expect significant additional details.

Now for the big deal: Cigna Prime, the flagship of the Cigna Group, has completely overhauled its financial plan. According to “Journal” information, the details will be presented to the group of lenders at the beginning of the week. And all the documents are there.

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