After AUA rejected in KV dispute: Confusion over further negotiations

After 20 rounds of negotiations, hundreds of flights were canceled and millions in damages Don't In the ongoing joint negotiations, there is confusion as to whether negotiations are taking place. Video Union said: what, there will be smooth negotiations. The AUA, in turn, said there were no negotiations. But you're always willing to negotiate, and the airline has a final offer. Otherwise, both sides remained silent as before.

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It is not clear with which offer the AUA first opened the KV negotiations this year. Even Vida did not want to comment on it. The airline recently announced that 3,500 flight attendants and pilots are now guaranteed an 18 percent pay raise from German subsidiary Lufthansa, up from 4 percent previously. Tenure 2 years 10 months. Specifically, the AUA is offering all flight attendants and pilots an 8 percent salary increase effective March 1, 2024, and another 5 percent salary increase effective January 2025 and January 2026.

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Union AUA spoke out against the offer

Yesterday, in a poll among VIDA union members, 90 percent spoke against the AUA offer. Turnout was 88 percent, and 60 percent of board staff are VIDA members. Employers have previously criticized the poll as not transparent and representing only a section of the workforce.

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