Reactions on Budget: “The way out of the traffic light mess is fresh elections, not the president’s weakness”

UThe Nayan faction leader is Friedrich Mers (CDU) believes that despite an agreement on the budget dispute, there is a possibility of an early defeat of the traffic light coalition. “We may have to come to Berlin at short notice,” the CDU leader said.Rhenish Post“. “The traffic light alliance is not very stable and it will last safely through the summer,” Merz said. The union is well-prepared for the summer break and is currently working on an election program. “We can accept this at very short notice if necessary. We are ready for everything,” Merz emphasized.

CSU Regional Committee Chair Alexander Toprint He expressed himself similarly. “It remains to be seen whether this piece of legislation survives or is the spark for the next explosive argument at the traffic light. “The foundation of this new budget is certainly very porous and shaky,” Dobrindt told the “Rheinische Post”. The union is working on a 100-day program, including, for example, the return of citizens’ money. “The way out of the traffic light mess is new elections, not the president’s weakness,” Dobrindt said.

After coalition leaders agreed on the 2025 federal budget, there are widespread concerns about Bundeswehr funding. There are demands for improvements from the Union and the SPD. “It does not make us war-worthy,” he opined President of the Reservist Association, Patrick Sensburg, a slight increase in the defense budget of 1.2 billion euros next year. Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) had said an additional €6.5 to €7 billion was needed. Bundeswehr funding beyond 2025 is also unclear.

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After the traffic light tips are agreed, the defense budget is expected to increase from around 52 billion euros to only around 1.2 billion euros. “It’s disappointing,” Sensberg told Germany’s Editorial Network. “Really, there will be gaps everywhere,” he said.

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Unconditional base payment

The SPDBudget expert Andreas Schwarz spoke of a “sober number” that gave a small increase. “The outcome of the budget debates within the government is not aligned with what we need in the defense sector.” Now Bundestag members “have the task of making significant improvements in the parliamentary process,” Schwarz told “Tagesspiegel”. There are improvements in the defense budget Union for necessity. “What we need now is a quick, real re-prioritization of the budget, which will enable a sustainable and increased defense budget,” CDU defense expert Roderich Kieswetter told “Augsburger Allgemeine”.

How should the Bundeswehr be financed from 2025?

The long-term funding of the Bundeswehr beyond 2025 will also lead to heated debates. Chancellor Scholes has spoken of a regular defense budget of 80 billion euros from 2028, after the special fund is fully spent. Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck (Greens) made the dimensions of the challenge clear in the ARD “Tagesthemen”.

“We cannot get past 2025. After that it will get tighter and tighter,” he said Habeck. A counter-fund has yet to be found after the expiration of the 100 billion euro Bundeswehr special fund. “This is significantly more than our problem in the last two, three days or last night,” the Green politician insisted. “Because of the Federal Republic of Germany’s ability to defend itself, I do not want any cuts to be made in education, research, culture or social services.”

Union Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) defended the budget results. “The defense minister is getting more money than in the previous budget, but less money than he publicly requested,” Lindner told “Build.” “This is the normal budgeting process.” A minister works passionately towards his field and certainly demands the maximum. “The job of the finance minister and the central government as a whole is to examine what is desirable and what is actually necessary.”

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Demonstration solidarity (from left): Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP), President Olaf Scholes (SPD), Economy Minister Robert Habeck

Habeck also advises against discussions of this. “That’s what’s going on – this debate. I won’t reopen it. I think this debate is over,” said the green politician.

Juso leader Philip sees this Tower keeper Different. “Several tricks are now being used to use the financial offer that the finance minister rejected until recently,” Durmer told the portal. Based on many predictions. If the global situation or crises worsens, the budget can quickly run into trouble. “That’s why suspending the debt moratorium is a more sustainable option,” Durmer said. He also spoke in favor of removing it from the Basic Law altogether.

DGB boss Yasmin understanding Apparently no major cuts and social cuts were seen as “good news”. Overall, unions felt that the labor policy proposals were sending the wrong signal. Mobilizing skilled workers will require clear signals for more childcare and care.

Ifo-Chef Clemens Fust It called for fundamental reforms for greater economic growth. He told “Augsburger Allgemeine” that further measures should follow the economic stimulus package announced by the central government. “If politicians want more growth, they need fundamental reforms to create more jobs, more private and public investment, and more innovation and business start-ups,” the economist stressed. Despite the need to capture what he saw, Fuest hailed the basically announced economic stimulus package as “a step in the right direction.”

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