Master builder Lukner married for the sixth time on Saturday – Austria –

Reilander was by Lukner’s side at the opera ball

On Saturday, master builder Richard Lugner (91) married his partner Simone Reilander for the sixth time at Vienna City Hall. Lukner now had to say goodbye to the plan to celebrate the wedding in a “small circle”. “The interest is incredibly high and it’s going to be huge,” Bilder told APA.

A few days before the wedding, the wedding senior is not excited. “Normally I’m not nervous now. I’m pretty strong now,” said the builder. The exact plan for Saturday is already known. The couple will meet at the Town Hall at 1:50pm, where the wedding ceremony will take place at 2pm in the “very small” Stone Hall 2. Simone Reilander’s sister, Sonja, served as the bride’s maid of honor. Richard Lukner is accompanied by his son Alexander.

Once the ceremony is over, the newlyweds will be on public display. At 2:30 p.m., the Lukners will leave the Lichenfelsstrasse via the exit from the town hall – private individuals will also be photographed here.

Weather permitting, the bride and groom and guests will circle Town Hall in open-top vintage buses. “Things are not looking good at the moment,” Luckner said. In fact, the experts of Geosphere Austria predict on Saturday: “The sun will sometimes shine, but sometimes it will rain separately with lightning and thunder.”

The next destination is the Palais Ausberg, where a reception will be held from 3 p.m. “Wedding Cake Cutting” (4:35 PM) and Wedding Dance (5:00 PM) are scheduled here. The festival ends at 7 pm.

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The father of four doesn’t want to preempt criticism of his new marriage. “Every relationship I enter into gives financial benefits to my partner. To prevent that, I have to live alone, I don’t want that, and that’s how we found each other,” said the master builder.

In any case, Lugner is experienced in marriages: he married Christine Gmeiner for the first time in 1961. The couple broke up after 17 years. In 1979, the builder remarried. But this connection lasted only four years. “Cornelia (Hahn, ref.) was taken away from me by the then OPEC secretary general,” Lugner said.

This was followed by a third marriage to Susanne Dietrich. The relationship ended tragically: in 1984, after the divorce, Dietrich fell into a coma and died after cosmetic surgery. Kristina “Mousy” Lugner, probably Bilder’s best partner, followed. The couple married in 1991 and have been successful on the social scene for years. But this marriage also ended in 2007. On September 13, 2014, Luckner married fellow German athlete Kathy Schmitz in a media-staged fifth wedding at Vienna’s Schönbrunn Palace. It ended again two years later.

The marriage to Simone Reiländer is now said to be “final”. The builder had said the same in his fifth marriage.

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