10 Tips Against Blemished Skin

© Pexels/cottonbro Studio

We all have that friend who doesn't wash their face, doesn't use skincare products, and thinks they go to bed with makeup on all the time—yet never worry about pimples, dark spots, or undertones. How unfair the world is! But even though genes play an important role in skin condition, we don't have to accept impure skin. With proper practice and a little patience, most problems can be overcome relatively easily. We will show you valuable tips against blemish-prone skin.

What if you have impure skin?

1 | Check hormone status
Excess male hormones (androgens) often cause acne, which is why it makes sense to have your family doctor check your hormone status – especially if you have other symptoms such as irregular menstrual cycles or excessive hair growth.

2 | Get enough sleep
When you sleep, the body repairs skin damage, among other things, which is why a restful night's sleep is everything for healthy skin. Lack of sleep promotes inflammatory reactions in the body — and that includes acne.

3 | Avoid dairy products
Whey proteins in cow's milk increase insulin levels, and as a result, the release of male hormones can promote impurity. For example, products made from soy, oat or almond milk are good alternatives. Be careful with whey-based protein shakes too!

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4 | Trust the right active ingredients
Oily skin with impurities can benefit from benzoyl peroxide (abbreviated BPO), which has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and callus-dissolving effects. Beta hydroxy acids (BHA) like salicylic acid help with mild acne – it exfoliates, inhibits sebum production and unclogs pores. Vitamin A (retinol), vitamin C, niacinamide, zinc, and clay are good choices.

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5 | Clean twice daily
Cleansing your face in the evening is essential anyway. If you have impure (especially very oily) skin, a light product in the morning will also help to cleanse your skin – even the sebum and dirt on the surface of the skin will help. overnight.

6 | Change pillowcases and towels frequently
Change your pillowcases two or three times a week – after all, sweat, oil and makeup residue and dirt particles end up on the pillow every night. The same applies to the facial cleansing towel, which should be changed daily.

Keep your hands away from your face if you have blemishes
© Coralens/Adream Lim

7 | Finger away from your face
Although it is difficult: try to touch your face with your fingers as rarely as possible. Our hands contain all kinds of viruses and bacteria, which not only transmit diseases, but can also cause or intensify local inflammation.

8 | Talking on the phone with headphones
When it comes to health, things look worse on our cell phone screens. Due to the constant contact with our fingers, the average smartphone is said to be more contaminated with bacteria than a toilet seat.
So: instead of holding the display to your cheek the next time you make a call, use headphones or speakers (no on the bus, please).

If you don't remember the last time, it's high time: powder brushes should be cleaned twice a week with a mild shampoo, beauty blenders after each use. The sponges can be boiled occasionally to kill any bacteria.

10 | Avoid alcohol
If the health benefits aren't convincing, cosmetics: Alcohol strips the skin of moisture, stimulates sebum production, and promotes breakouts and irritation. We don't like it at all! If you've participated in Dry January, you've probably noticed it yourself: out of the ordinary
When you drink wine, your skin instantly becomes plump, clear and fresh.

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